Pro Critique

Professional Critique Service for Creatives of all kinds

When you need a professional set of eyes to look over your project, request a professional critique from our team of Pro Critiquers.

We will provide 2 full paragraphs of helpful, actionable, and useful critiques based on the project that you submit to us!

Pro Critiques for Businesses

Hire the professional staff at Critiquer® for a professional critique of your business marketing material. Sometimes you need that extra pair of eyes to give that last set of advise for your business visuals.

Professional Critiques for Creatives of All Kinds

At Critiquer®, you have access to peer critiques and a team of professional Critiquers. Sometimes the peers may not be giving you the strongest, most actionable feedback. That is why we offer Pro Critiques from our well versed staff of designers!

With a Pro Critique, you will receive an individualized and private critique of your work that is submitted. No less than 2 paragraphs will be provided for each Pro Critique and you will aways receive actionable feedback rather than emoji or non-helpful critiques. We want to help you become a better artist or designer because we are all in this together!

Send your request for a Pro Critique

Click the button to send your project to our team and receive a Pro Critique, free for a limited time!

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